Sunday, May 24, 2009

Day 1, continued

So, I decided to walk to Walgreen's to get cuticle snips because I had several hangnails that were not giving it up for the clippers. Google maps said it was less than a mile away, and I wanted a little exercise after being on planes all day long. It wasn't too hot, though definitely humid, and on the way, I passed some honeysuckle. I love that smell!

I came upon a Kmart before Walgreen's, so I went there instead. I picked up a few things, including a rolling bag for my CPAP and other carry on (I discovered that no matter how light I thought the two bags were, they weighed a ton!), and then headed back to the hotel.

As soon as I got in, I realized I was soaked in sweat and decided to change into my pajamas. Naturally, I'd been in my pajamas for about 15 minutes before Tawney and I decided to walk over to Outback for a light dinner. Since most people look at you strange when you go to dinner in Eeyore pajamas, I changed again.

Dinner was nice and we got a chance to talk and get to know each other a little better. By the time we got back to the room, though, I think we were both ready to call it a night. We watched a little television and then hit the hay.

Day 1 complete!


  1. Thats pretty interesting mom! :P What did you have for dinner? Who is Tawney? What city are you in?

  2. Yeah mom, who is Tawney and what city are u in? Can't wait to see some pics!!! I'll check tmw.

  3. Where the heck are you? I'm guessing no internet cafe's around? Or are you too busy painting South Africa red?

    I got a new phone with a new # -- old one bit the dust.


  4. Dominic - Tawney was my roommate in DC the night before I headed for SA. We had dinner at Outback that night and I had the coconut shrimp. I'm in Johannesburg now, but I was in Cape Town until yesterday. And you know what? I miss you, bubble.

    Valerie - See Tawney's info above. I'm in JoBurg now, and was in Cape Town before, and will be in Hazyview in a few days. This place is both awesome and intense. I've been thinking about life a lot and can't wait to share with you when I get home.

    Dee, I haven't had good access to the net, but I've been keeping a word document so I'm about to post a bunch of stuff. I've only painted it red one night, and I can't wait to talk to you about it. I was worried about your phone because I tried to call you once and the line died, and then everytime thereafter, the line was disconnected. Miss you!
