Saturday, May 23, 2009

Day 1

This has been one long day!

I didn't finish packing until 1:30 this morning, at which time I crawled into bed. I slept for two hours and got up at 3:30 to shower and dress before waking my Dee up to take me to the airport. L didn't fancy getting up at 4 in the morning and it was a nice chance for us to have a little girl time, even though we were both so very tired. She'll be gone when I return to Memphis, so I appreciate having those last 30 minutes to ourselves.

We left the house a few minutes after 4 and made a quick stop at Walgreens for flipflops, a watch, water, and razors. We were on the road to the airport by 4:20 and though I took the wrong exit and had to backtrack, I was ticketed (with my boarding pass, not a moving violation) by 5 am. All that was left was getting through security and finding my gate.

The rest of Memphis was a breeze and I was soon seated next to a cute baby who behaved admirably. The flight to Atlanta was only about an hour long, so really, it was over almost before it had begun.

The Atlanta airport was interesting... to say the least. I had to connect a long way away, which meant that I had to first exit the secure area only to go back through security. Weird. That took me almost an hour, and I didn't have long to wait once I'd made it to the gate. The seating on this plan was a little strange in that the galley was located almost at the end of the plane, and was in the row with 3 seats... but it was wider, so the couple of rows of 2 seats that were next to the galley were more squishy than the others. I was on the window of one of them, so I was almost afraid to move. I'm sure I looked funny!

I finally made it to DC, exhausted and feeling confused. I asked a lot of questions and finally found first the baggage claim and then the shuttle area. Once I found my hotel, I dragged to my room and breathed a sigh of relief. I grabbed a quick lunch so I could take my malaria meds, and then snuggled in for a quick nap.

I'm not sure what we'll do this evening, but for now, I think more of a nap is in order.

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